
Queue Code


- Press any key to reveal the next character of source code. Use delete to hide characters.
- Use the `url` query param to point to a different source code file.
e.g. https://queuecode.zachleat.dev/?url=https://gist.githubusercontent.com/zachleat/a7393810acf7890e6bef6a34eaa7b78c/raw/smoothscroll.css
- Use the `format` query param to set the syntax. Not required if `url` ends in .html .js or .css
- Use the `autoplay` query param to show all of the code.
- Use `autoplay=1` to reveal the code progressively (1 is the slowest speed, higher numbers will type faster)
- Press ` to skip to the end and show all of the code.
- Use the `highlightonly` query param to skip all of this nonsense and just show the plain syntax highlighted code.

Project source code: https://github.com/zachleat/queue-code

alert("Hello world.");

// The default README gist `url`
location = "?url=https://gist.githubusercontent.com/zachleat/542f1d15c2061fc3cf4c0bc30c3b9bac/raw/queuecode.js";